Next Friday night, Feb 17th, 9 p.m.; HOMECOMING!’s Devo Protopopov co-presents a lecture on “The Art & Science of the Human Face” with Dr. Alice O’Toole of UT-D to examine how portraiture and facial recognition software and 3D imaging change the way we view the human face.
Late Nights at the Dallas Museum of Art
Friday, February 17
6:00 p.m.–midnight; admission $10 or less
Late Night programs are included in general admission to the Museum.
Make it a date night and explore dynamic duos at the DMA with provocative comparison tours, ART you smarter than your pARTner? games, concerts, films, and more. See our newest exhibition, Face to Face: International Art at the DMA, and stay late for a performance by North Texas duo RTB2.